Our Vision

To contribute to a world free from both gender and racial inequality.


Our Mission

Founded in 2014, LiveGirl, Inc. is a Connecticut-based nonprofit organization that builds confident, inclusive leaders. Our mission is to prepare the next generation of diverse, brave female leaders with the skills, community, and connections so that ALL girls may thrive and make a positive impact on the world. 

What we do

LiveGirl provides year-round leadership and mentoring programs for girls in grades 5 through college that build social emotional intelligence and self-esteem. LiveGirl's programs provide:

  • Small group mentoring and access to positive role models.

  • Evidence-based programs that build self-esteem and social emotional intelligence, the building blocks of a confident leader.

  • Positive social-emotional development and connectivity to their community through diverse friendships and role models.

Our Approach


We serve thousands of girls in grades 5 through college age annually in our free-of-charge innovative leadership development and mentoring programs. Our programs are evidence-based and proven to build self-esteem and social emotional intelligence, the building blocks of a confident leader. We also provide girls with authentic opportunities to build bridges to people whose lives are different from their own, the key to becoming an inclusive leader. 

  • Our organizational lens is centered on the needs and experiences of ALL girls, especially girls of color.

  • Our leadership approach is skill-based, anti-racist, healing-centered, and gender inclusive.

At LiveGirl, we equip girls with the necessary leadership skills to thrive and make a positive impact on the world.

We surround girls with positivity and inspiration and provide a diverse community where girls can learn the skills necessary to navigate the teen years. We coach girls to set aside their perfectionism and take risks. We empower them to embrace their true selves and find their voice. Perhaps, most importantly, we expose them to trailblazing female role models so they see what’s possible.

Exceptional leaders understand the essential value of diversity and inclusion. We teach middle school girls “how to” lead and then provide high school girls with opportunities to lead others. High school mentors provide “just been there” mentoring to middle school girls.

We coach girls to embrace their original, quirky selves and to understand that self-confidence comes not from others liking you, but from you loving yourself. Our mentors show them that when they truly believe in themselves, they will become unstoppable and astounding things will happen!
— Sheri West, Chief LiveGirl

Who We Serve

We deliver our programs at a wide variety of schools and youth organizations, including:

  • Bridgeport: Cardinal Shehan Center, Wakeman Boys & Girls Club, McGivney Center

  • Bristol: Bristol Boys & Girls Club

  • County-wide: Fairfield County Community Foundation Fund for Women and Girls

  • Darien: Depot Teen Center

  • Greenwich: Greenwich Boys & Girls Club, Greenwich YWCA

  • Milford: Milford Boys & Girls Club

  • New Canaan: New Canaan Public Schools, New Canaan Library

  • New Haven: New Haven Boys & Girls Club

  • Norwalk: Carver Center, Norwalk Housing Authority, Norwalk Public Schools

  • Ridgefield: Ridgefield Boys & Girls Club

  • Stamford: Stamford Peace, Stamford Boys & Girls Club, Stamford Public Schools

  • Waterbury: Waterbury Boys & Girls Club

  • Westport: Town of Westport Youth Services, Toquet Teen Center

  • Wilton: Trackside Teen Center

When we say “girl'“ we mean…

At LiveGirl, we recognize that gender is a reflection of identity, biology, and expression. We welcome anyone who self-identifies as a girl or young woman. We aren’t in the business of determining anyone’s gender. That decision is the right of every individual.

Please email info@goLiveGirl.org if you'd like to bring LiveGirl to your school or local youth organization!

LiveGirl aims to provide each girl with the leadership tools and confidence to conquer the path less traveled despite known or unknown naysayers. By connecting girls to role models and community, we develop inclusive leaders who realize their potential and all they have to contribute to the world.
— Melika Forbes, LiveGirl Board Member

Why now?

There is a confidence crisis amongst teen girls today.

7 out of 10 girls don’t feel like they’re enough or measure up in some way. We start working with girls in middle school, which research has shown in the most critical time in a young person’s development.

For most teenagers, peers replace parents and other adults as major influencers. For girls, confidence plummets during puberty. The “drive for perfection” and social media have compounded the negative peer pressure on girls. More than half of teenage girls are, or think they should be, on diets.

Adolescent girls are experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression at twice the rate of boys. The CDC has reported that teen girl suicide rates are increasing at an “alarming pace”. This disparity is often amplified by online media consumption, which can leave girls feeling isolated and anxious.

Our female youth, especially those in the middle school years, need programs just like LiveGirl. LiveGirl emphasizes that they can, and will, reach their goals, if they strive to work hard at what they want. These young ladies, regardless of their background or socio-economic status, deserve the best that life has to offer and LiveGirl exposes them to ideas and people that show them that they are smart, strong and special people.
— Laura Magnotta, Wakeman Boys & Girls Club Program Director

Preparar a la próxima generación de mujeres líderes diversas y valientes.


Fundada en 2014, LiveGirl, Inc. es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Connecticut que crea líderes seguros e inclusivos. Nuestra misión es preparar a la próxima generación de mujeres líderes diversas y valientes con las habilidades, la comunidad y las conexiones para que TODAS las niñas puedan prosperar y tener un impacto positivo en el mundo.


Contribuir a un mundo libre de desigualdad racial y de género.



Brindamos servicios a miles de niñas en los grados 5-12 anualmente en nuestros programas innovadores de desarrollo de liderazgo y mentores gratuitos. Nuestros programas están basados en evidencia y han demostrado desarrollar la autoestima y la inteligencia socioemocional, los componentes básicos de un líder seguro. También brindamos a las niñas oportunidades auténticas para construir puentes con personas cuyas vidas son diferentes a las suyas, la clave para convertirse en líderes inclusivas.

  • Nuestro lente organizacional se centra en las necesidades y experiencias de TODAS las niñas, especialmente las niñas de color.

  • Nuestro enfoque de liderazgo se basa en habilidades, es antirracista, se centra en la curación e incluye el género.

Hasta la fecha, LiveGirl ha llegado a más de 10,000 mujeres jóvenes. Conecta @goLiveGirl