Tips for Emailing Professionally

by LiveGirl intern, Amanda de Lauzon

Making An Email Account:

  • Pick a platform that sounds professional. Gmail or Outlook are some options commonly used. 

  • Use a simple email name such as your first + last name or Last name + first initial.

  • Make sure that if you have a picture attached to your email it is professional.  You can always be safe and pick a default image or have no image.

Writing A Professional Email:

  • In most email writing situations, you’ll want to include a quick greeting to acknowledge the reader before diving into your main message or request.

  •  It is best to address your recipient by his or her title, such as Dear Mr., Ms. or Professor. You can do some internet research on them if you aren't sure.

  •  A concise and specific subject line will help your reader know exactly what to expect.

  • The body of an email is the meat of your message, and it must have a clear and specific purpose. For emails that require more length and detail, keep it as focused as you can. 

  • Be sure to thank someone for his or her time and help. End your email with a “thank you” or “best” and your full name.

 Email Signature:

  • Include essential information such as your name, major, school, and expected graduation year.

  • Limit your signature to 3 or 5 lines. 

  • Include any positions or organizations you are part of. What are you proud to be a part of? 

  • Contact information.

This is my signature as an example:


Amanda de Lauzon

Sacred Heart University ‘20

Communications and Media Arts major

Journalism and film minor

Spectrum Features Editor

Alpha Delta Pi

Online Resources:

 So let’s get started so when you are emailing potential employers for internships or information you come across professional and precise.