Quick Tips For Cleaning Up Social Media

by LiveGirl intern, Amanda de Lauzon

When looking for an internship or job social media can play a bigger part than you think. You want to show the best parts of yourself on social media since that is what the company will see first. Think about if you were the employer, what would you like and not like to see on a prospective hire’s social media accounts? Think about who you are as of today and make sure all posts and accounts match with that.

So, let’s start with a first impression: Google yourself!

See what an employer’s first impression of you would be if they were to type your name into google. Does it show your interests, your talents, the parts you are most proud of yourself for?

 So now let’s break it down to what you should and shouldn’t do on social media: 

·      Make accounts private and also delete any pictures you feel don’t represent you in the best possible way. 

·      Show your talents as well as your interests but not anything you wouldn’t feel excited and proud to talk about with an employer. 

·      No pictures holding drinks that could be perceived as alcohol. 

·      Make sure to always be dressed appropriately, if you are questioning the outfit you probably shouldn’t be posting it.

·      Don’t use profanity and avoid arguing with others on social media.

·      Always be respectful of other people’s views and opinions online.

·      Keep in mind that anything you post on TikTok (and other platforms) will be seen by a future employer before meeting you. 

·      Only post things on TikTok (and other platforms) that you feel are lighthearted and can’t be taken negatively.

·      Political and religious views and morals are better left off of social media. 

You want the company to see you as the most talented and professional version of you. So be sure that anything you post matches up with that. Show the world the parts of your life that you would like to talk about in an interview or with an employer because while you have a professional resume of your skills and experience you also have an online resume of all your accounts and posts. Be mindful always of how you represent yourself.
