Voting Rights — LiveGirl



Early Voting:

Early Voting is officially on the 2022 Connecticut Ballot! 


CT passed Resolution Act No. 21-1, Resolution Approving an Amendment to the State Constitution to Allow for Early Voting for the November 8, 2022 election. This permits the state to provide the opportunity for CT citizens to vote early. The duration and rules for early voting are still being decided. 


What does this mean? 

There are currently many individuals in the U.S. who do not cast their votes every year due to barriers created by outdated registration and voting systems. Early voting makes it easier for Americans to cast their votes and can increase turnout among certain demographic groups. 


Who will be affected by early voting? 

Every year, millions of Americans miss out on casting a vote for elections. Many of these individuals do not vote due to barriers like being away at school or being unable to miss work on election day. Communit­ies of color, low-income communit­ies, students and seni­ors face increased barriers to voting. Early voting provides a solution to this problem.


How does early voting help individuals? 

Early voting permits flexibility and allows individuals to cast their votes on the week­end and evenings, reducing the potential barriers that many individuals face. The option to cast a vote early also makes voting more equitable. Early voting ensures that an individual can speak up on what they believe if they previously could not vote due to barriers.


Benefits of early voting: