"Camp LiveGirl has had such an incredible impact on my life. When I first heard of the camp, I didn't know much about it. I knew that it was trying to help empower girls. When I heard that the goal of LiveGirl was focused on making girls feel smart, strong, and special, I believed that the camp would have a great impact on others and me. Being in middle school is not always the best environment. Girls don't always treat each other with respect. From my experience with this issue, I gained interest in LiveGirl. Its focus was an issue that needed to be addressed and changed. Before LiveGirl I was involved with a middle school organization called S.W.A.T. This group is focused on changing school climate. Bill Preble, or as we called him Dr. Preble, has come to our school to help achieve our goal. Dr. Preble said "change is a process not an event." If this camp started to change the behavior of one girl, it could change others too. Throughout my time at Camp LiveGirl, I have learned about woman who didn't take no for an answer, and challenged the status quo. Many girls are told that some careers are "a man's job" but that didn't stop them. From the camp in the summer to leadership summits during the year, LiveGirl has been changing one girl at a time. LiveGirl has also introduced me to new friends and given me greater self-confidence. From the Meg Domino leadership talks; learning about being your own advocate, being assertive, and being all kinds of smart, I learned that there is more to being a leader than leading people. Camp LiveGirl is an amazing camp to be a part of. I can't thank Mrs. West enough for making Camp LiveGirl possible. I hope you'll all consider joining us this summer. I know I'll be back and I'm bringing my younger sister too.
— Claire (New Canaan)
“I just want to say to everyone that I had the greatest experience in my life. … I learned to stay healthy, believe in myself, show the real me, and not let the past bother the present.”
— Mariyah (Stamford)
“This really was a great experience, I made a bunch of new friends and tried new sports and leadership skills… Meg Domino taught us how we should always like and be COMFORTABLE in our body image no matter what people say. In all truthfulness this camp has only brought better things into my life, I've been eating better and drinking more water. This camp really is the best!”
– Emily (Bridgeport)
“I learned a lot in leadership, communication and teamwork.”
— Emily (Norwalk)
“I like how Colbie Caillat inspired everyone to not dress for society but to dress for you...unless it's the time and place to dress up like a wedding, a sweet sixteen, or even going to church. You don't need make up and artificial things that just aren't you to look pretty. You are you. So be you. No one else. Don't let others change you if you don't want the to and especially if it's not you. BE YOU and Rock On!”
– Ahhsha (Stamford)
“… My take-away for the speaker was that you should be proud of what you do and don't let others faze you when you try to achieve your dream. I also have always wanted to get into the architect, interior designer, and builder kind of carrier so this inspired me more to get into that.”
– Brynne (New Canaan)
“Camp LiveGirl was an awesome and life-changing experience. I have learned alot from LiveGirl. Before joining LiveGirl (3 years ago), I was a shy person. LiveGirl taught me to stand up and speak out. At Camp LiveGirl, I became more brave and became a better person. Probably because it felt so safe and everyone was cheering me on. I became connected with more people and I became more confident in myself. I learned to believe in myself. Thank you for this opportunity. “