10 Stories-Goldenberg — LiveGirl

This family has been involved in all levels of LiveGirl programming – middle school, high school, and college! I have been Mom Shona volunteer with Camp LiveGirl, Confidence Club, speaker events, mentoring, SHE WORKS.

How LiveGirl Helped Us Grow:

Really the question should be: What haven't we learned from LiveGirl? Collectively, the four of us have learned about and built on a plethora of skills: how to love ourselves, to push ourselves, to advocate for ourselves and others, to believe in ourselves, to seek support, to feel proud, and how to do all of these things in an enlightening way that brings joy!

From Olive, 13:

I was lying in bed one morning, snuggling with my mum, who was just about to listen to a podcast and she said I might find it interesting. Sheri and Liv were talking about menstrual equity. Although I was 11 and hadn't had a period yet, it was something I knew about. I live in a very open house with my two sisters, and there are always tampons around and conversations about periods. However, I didn't have any idea about the daily struggles others have when it comes to menstruating. It was after this eye-opening podcast that I found my fighting voice and became an advocate for menstrual equity.

From Shona (Mom):

The girls in my family are incredibly passionate about many things and love to be involved in many causes. But we aren't naturally born, confident leaders. We love to be involved but are happy to be guided. However, LiveGirl has taught us that it's ok to step outside of our comfort zone and take leading roles because there is always a squad of people ready to support us – we're never actually alone in our journeys! LiveGirl has opened up many opportunities for all of us, and we will all continue to grow our confidence with them by our side.

From Freya, 18:

LiveGirl has helped me rise as a leader. I know my voice matters.

From Emmi, 24:

I completed the SHE WORKS career-readiness training and was paired with an internship at an immigration law firm. I was super glad to have participated in the program, and it helped me to handle a couple of issues during my internship. This experience shaped my future path at a Human Rights Law Firm.

Our Message of Gratitude:

Olive: Meeting with my confidence coach is always the highlight of my week! When Amanda's smiley, beautiful face comes on the screen, I know that I'm going to enjoy the half-hour of conversation, games, and laughter we have ahead of us. I would like her to know that she lightens up my week and that I have grown to trust her implicitly!

How LiveGirl is Changing The World:

LiveGirl is something our family could not be without! But you have to come and experience the uniqueness of the LiveGirl family for yourself. We can guarantee you won't be disappointed, the only regret you'll have is that you didn't find them sooner! :)